Friday 27 November 2020

Weta house

For the last four weeks of school we have been doing a passion project. We got into groups. In my group is Nikau, Arli and me. We are building a Weta Motel for the Wetas to stay in. We are going to build it and put it in the garden. Create a safe haven for your 'dinosaurs' – build a weta motel: Exploring  nature with children booklet

Friday 23 October 2020

Grand parents day

 Today is grandparents day.  Every year there is one day that our grandparents can come in to school. They come into our class then we get to show them our work that we have done. When it is morning tea the grand parent's get to go into the tech centre for morning tea. Then after morning tea we have assembly that the grand parents can come to. My grandma came today. When my grandma was in our classroom we had a basic facts race, My Grandma bet me. 

Wednesday 21 October 2020


 On Thursday last week we did athletics. In the morning we walked down to Anzac park. There is 9 events that we could do. To qualify for Grey District you had to qualify for two or more events.     

Friday 18 September 2020

Te reo maori map

Since this week is Maori language week we had different activity's to do with Maori language. One of the activity's was to create a map. Each day there was 2 places that we had to add to our map. Each place there was a question that we had to answer. Here is my map.  

Thursday 17 September 2020

Week 9 word problems

This week in maths we got word problems to complete. There are 12 questions. They have not been marked yet but here they are.

Word Problems 

Term 3 Wk 9

-check all the way to the bottom of the page.

-Remember to also SMURF this please and put into your numeracy folder.

  1. Mr B plants 24 rows of 8 cabbages. How many cabbages does he plant altogether? 192

  1. Mrs O decorates 10 pavlovas. For each pav she needs 2 kiwifruit and 8 strawberries. How much fruit does Mrs O need altogether?  20 kiwifruit and 80 strawberries and 100 altogether 

3. In the garden there are 36 ripe strawberries ready.

a.) ⅓ of the strawberries are eaten by the birds. How many strawberries do the birds eat? 12

b.) ¼ of the strawberries were eaten by Kevin. How many did Kevin eat? 9

c.) How many strawberries were left over for Miss Hines to have?15

4. Susan is given a total of $240 for birthday money. She decides to go into town and she spends $167, how much money does Susan have left over? $73

5. Mick saves $7 of pocket money every week for a year. How much pocket money does Mick have at the end of the year? $2555

6. There is dinner at shantytown for Totara Hub. Shantytown can seat 6 children at each table, there are 72 children in Totara Hub. How many tables will Shantytown have to put out ready? 12 tables

7. At the movie theatre the moro bars cost $1.20. You need to buy 5 of them, how much will it cost? $6

8.  What is the perimeter of a table that is 26cm long and 12cm wide? 76cm

9. What is the area of a classroom that is 8m long and 5m wide? 40m2

10.  Sam is paid $6 a week in pocket money. He puts half of it into his savings account every week and $2 into a piggy bank then spends the rest. 

a.) How much does Sam have in his savings account? $3 

b.) How much is in the piggy bank? $2 

c.) How much money did Sam spend during the year? $1

11. Your orchard produces plenty of fruit this year, you have 5.6kgs of apples, 4.5kgs of pears and 2.7kgs of strawberries. How much fruit did you have altogether? 12.8kg of fruit 

12. For your birthday you get $40 from an aunty, $80 from your grandparents and $100 from your parents.  How much birthday money were you lucky enough to get?

Monday 7 September 2020

maths maintence

For maths one of the activities was maths maintenance. There is 20 questions in each column and there are four columns. I have completed all the questions.    


Week 8 word problems

 This week in maths we got word problems to complete. They were based around subtraction and division.  They have not been marked yet but here they are.


  1. Peter buys a t-shirt for $14.75. He pays with a $20 note. How much change should he receive? $ 5.25

  2. Alison buys a carton of milk for $3.99 and a loaf of bread for $2.89. How much does she spend altogether? $ 6.88

  3. Alex’s dad spends $3.75 every day for a cup of coffee. How much does Alex’s dad spend on coffee every week? $ 26.25

  4. Hannah spends $8.32 buying four identical packets of biscuits. How much does each packet of biscuit cost? $ 2.08 

  5. Josh buys a ruler for $3.25, a pencil case for $4.99 and a pen for $9.50. How much does he spend altogether? $ 17.74 

  6. Jacob buys his lunch every day at school. He spends $4.50 on Mondays and Wednesdays and $5.40 on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. How much does Jacob spend on lunches every week?  $ 25.20 


The table below gives distances, in kilometres, between various towns.

























  1. If you travel from Sandersville to Easton vis Wingham, how long is your journey? 91km

  1. How much farther is it from Easton to Baytown than from Easton to Sandersville? 33km 

  1. Sarah lives in Wingham and works in Sandersville. She makes the journey from home to work and back five days a week. How far does she travel each week? 280km

  1. David is travelling from Baytown to Easton. He wants to take a break when he has driven one third of the total distance. How far must he drive before taking his break? 64km


The students at Pine Grove School have taken part in a sponsored walk to raise money for their favourite charities.

  1. Room 1 raised a total of $63.12. They want to divide it equally between four charities. How much will they give to each charity? $ 15.78

  2. Room 2 raised a total of $66.45. They want to divide it equally between three charities. How much will they give to each charity? $ 22.15

  3. Room 3 raised a total of $71.05. They want to divide it equally between five charities. How much will they give to each charity? $ 14.21 

  4. Room 4 raised a total of $97.50. They want to divide it equally between six charities. How much will they give to each charity? $ 16.25 

  5. Room 5 raised a total of $156.80. They want to divide it equally between four charities. How much will they give to each charity? $ 39.20